Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mount Baldy ride this Sunday: All Are Invited!

Above: That's me on GMR in 2001. The road was snowed over that year, so a few of us just pushed our bikes and kept on going, and had a fantastic adventure! But this Sunday I am hoping and planning to ride the whole way! I was riding my 1994 Bridgestone RB-1 that day; this weekend I will ride my Rivendell Roadeo.

Please join me on a road ride to Mt. Baldy this Sunday, December 9! This is one of Southern California's absolutely best rides, and was also the first real ride I ever did, when I got my first road bike at age 14 in 1982! We will depart at 845am from Classic Coffee at 148 N. Glendora Ave. Glendora, CA 91741. (Or meet us en route, at the top of Glendora Avenue, at the intersection with Sierra Madre, at 900am.)

It's a 40 mile ride with lots of climbing in the first half: figure 3.5 hours total. The route will be: up Glendora Mountain Road (GMR), continue across Glendora Ridge Route to Baldy Village, then down the front of the mountain and bike across to Glendora via San Dimas. 

Pre- and post-ride refreshments at the above-mentioned Classic Coffee in the Glendora Village.

Rain / snow cancels. Bring warm clothes, food, drink, and bike repair needs. The ride is unsupported and all are on their own. Any further updates will be posted to my Twitter feed:

Map of route (or here):

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