Monday, January 24, 2011

Rough Riders / Classic Cyclist / Chris Kostman are now tweeting!

Rough Riders / Classic Cyclist / Chris Kostman are now tweeting! To stay up-to-date, in-the-know, and ready-to-go, subscribe at

Our slogan is "Any Bike, Anywhere" and we believe in riding any distance, in any conditions, over any terrain, at any time of day or night. We do all of this with the style and substance of The Classic Cyclist. This sounds really hard-core, perhaps, but mainly we enjoy getting "out there" by riding roads, dirt roads, trails, and paths on whatever bike we happen to be on or have handy. Sometimes the pavement's long gone and we're still on our "road bikes" or some bike that would be commonly considered inadequate for the job - and that's just fine by us! Rough Riding is not defined by the type of bicycle or type of riding surface. Rough Riding is a state of mind, a riding style with limitless freedom and an all-pervasive sense of adventure.

Join us on Twitter at and on our blog at!

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